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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
16 mars, 2023
Renforcer les capacités locales pour un impact plus important

  Interpeace’s Societal Healing Programme in Rwanda aims to strengthen local capacities through training and the development of evidence-based and contextualized tools. Groupe des Anciens Etudiants et Elèves Rescapés du Genocide (GAERG) is one of the local actors whose staff were trained and received technical and financial support to implement a resilience-oriented protocol to reach […]

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16 mars, 2023
L'histoire de Jean-Claude

  Les espaces/groupes de guérison lancés dans le district de Bugesera, à l’est du Rwanda, dans le cadre du programme de guérison sociétale d’Interpeace ont changé positivement la vie des individus et des communautés. Par exemple, Jean-Claude Rugambage a été guéri de son traumatisme lié au génocide perpétré contre les Tutsi en 1994 et il aide désormais les membres de sa communauté à guérir et à se réconcilier.

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16 mars, 2023
Mon fils est un héros

  Valens Nsanzineza’s story is an inspiration to many young people. As the descendent of a perpetrator of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, he used to live in constant shame, guilt, rejection, and trauma because of his father’s crimes. He found healing and solace after voluntarily joining a community-based sociotherapy healing space […]

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16 mars, 2023
Rwanda – Healing the invisible wounds

  From October 2020 – September 2022, Interpeace implemented a holistic peacebuilding pilot programme focused on mental health, social cohesion,reconciliation, and collaborative livelihoods in Bugesera District, eastern Rwanda. The programme supported the government’s efforts to build a resilient, cohesive, and inclusive Rwandan society close to 29 years after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. The […]

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24 février, 2023
Rapport des messages clés et recommandations sur l’accès à la justice et la lutte contre l’impunité au Centre du Mali
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21 février, 2023
Sustaining Peace in Practice: building peace is everyone’s responsibility

  This video was developed by Interpeace, with contributions from its partners the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),  the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). A preview was first screened at Geneva Peace Week 2022. We live in an […]

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